Choose Foods to Look Great, Feel Great Have you ever noticed that Americans are among the fattest people in the world? And yet weight problems and obesity are rare occurrences in many places -- especially among people who live in "isolated" or "primitive" (non-industrialized) cultures? One primary reason for this is that people who live in remote cultures, far apart from the industrial mainstream, generally don't indulge in modern eating habits. Instead they typically adhere to their "native" diets, which means they eat the very same kinds of whole, natural foods that their ancestors depended upon for sustenance and survival. In other words, they stick to the foods that they are genetically designed to handle. If you're seeking to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight, the essential first step is to eat a metabolically appropriate diet. No other single factor will exert more influence on your ability to manage your weight effectively. Of course there are certain kinds of generic things that anyone can do to minimize their weight -- including exercise to burn calories, exercise designed to build lean muscle mass and thereby increase the metabolic rate, keeping insulin levels in check ( insulin is a hormone that increases fat storage ) by balancing the blood sugar, etc. But unless you're eating according to your metabolic type, you'll struggle with excess weight. Why? Because following a diet that's wrong for you will disrupt your cellular oxidation. In other words, your cells will not have the ability to efficiently convert nutrients into the energy they need to conduct life-sustaining metabolic activities. Your cells are the workhorses of your body; they're like miniature chemical factories. They take raw material in and process that raw material into a vitally important end product -- energy. But your cells cannot accept just any raw materials; they're genetically programmed to require a specific type of nutritional input. So, whenever you consume calories in a form your cells can't use, or in a form that's not ideal for them, your cells simply can't do a good job of burning the calories, or converting the food and nutrients you eat into energy. And whenever calories cannot get burned or oxidized as "body fuel," they get stored as fat instead. This is the reason why some people stay slim and energized on various kinds of high-protein, high-fat diets while other people feel sluggish and gain weight by eating this way. Conversely, some people are able to stay trim and fit on low-protein, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, while these same diets cause others to pack on the pounds and be chronically fatigued. Everyone is different, and everyone needs to identify the specific foods and food combinations that are best for their own unique body chemistry. Fortunately, The Metabolic Typing Diet is a breakthrough book that provides you with all the tools and information you need to identify a diet that's precisely right for you. To give you a clearer understanding of just how important it is to eat according to your metabolic type, and what kinds of things can go wrong if don't feed your body what it needs, consider the following examples: 1)Jack is a "Protein Type," which means he needs to eat a diet based on significant quantities of protein and fat. He definitely needs to eat protein at every meal and snack, and to limit his overall consumption of carbohydrates (such as grains, fruits and vegetables) to roughly 30% of each meal. However, if Jack ignores his requirement for a high proportion of protein and fat at each meal, and instead eats liberally of carbohydrates whenever he feels like it, here's what is likely to happen: * his body will compensate by breaking down muscle tissue for protein * his adrenal and thyroid glands won't function properly * the parasympathetic branch of his autonomic nervous system will be strengthened * the above occurrences will cause his metabolic rate to drop * his body will produce excess insulin, a hormone which directs the body to store fat, as opposed to burning fat for energy * fat storage will be increased because his cells will be unable to carry on normal and efficient oxidative processes 2)Susan is a "Carbo Type," which means that carbohydrates should comprise roughly 60% of each of her meals and snacks, with proteins and fats comprising the remaining 40% of each meal and snack. Unlike Jack, who as a Protein Type really needs to eat protein at ever meal, Susan can sometimes eat carbohydrates alone without suffering any ill effects. However, most Carbo Types do well by including protein at every meal. But they need lighter, leaner, lower-fat proteins than Protein Types. However, if Susan disregards this approach and eats excessive amounts of protein and fat, and inadequate amounts of carbohydrates, here's what will happen: * due to a shortage of glucose, her body will tear down ( "catabolize" ) its own muscle tissue in order to obtain this desperately needed fuel * her adrenal and thyroid glands will not be able to function properly * the above occurrences will cause her to gain weight by decreasing her metabolic rate * fat storage will be increased because her cells will be unable to carry on normal and efficient oxidative processes | HOME | |
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