Self-Tests for Discovering Your Metabolic Type Whether you're seeking to optimize or maintain your health, there's simply no substitute for eating according to your metabolic type. Discovering your metabolic type is the critical first step in moving to a much higher plateau of self-awareness, and in turn enjoying a life full of vibrant health and fitness, free of the nagging ailments that burden so many people in modern society. The Metabolic Typing Diet provides a whole series of simple tools that you can use to identify a diet that is tailored to your body chemistry, and yours alone. To begin with, you respond to multiple-choice questions in a "metabolic survey" or "metabolic profile." This innovative self-test is comprised of 65 questions and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The metabolic survey immediately enables you to identify your "basic" or "general" metabolic type category. These three basic metabolic type categories are: The Protein Type The Carbo Type The Mixed Type Each of these general metabolic type categories corresponds to a specific diet. But keep in mind that your general category is simply a starting point. Once you've identified your metabolic type and the basic diet that's right for you, you can then use a variety of simple techniques and self-tests that will enable you to fine-tune or customize your diet to your own highly individualized needs. After all, there's a tremendous amount of biological and biochemical diversity among people, so there are far more than three metabolic types. You may be in the same general category as someone else, yet your dietary needs could be distinctly different. Here's an example: You and a friend might both be Protein Types, which means you don't function well on vegetarian-oriented diets or on meals and snacks centered mainly around carbohydrates. But even though you both need to emphasize protein and restrict carbohydrates to a certain extent, your friend might require heavier proteins on a more consistent basis throughout the day, and be significantly less able to tolerate carbohydrates (sugars and starches) than you. In addition, your metabolic type is not something that's carved in stone. Although you were born with a specific set of dietary requirements dictated by your genetic heritage (your "genetic type"), your needs can shift for any number of reasons, including illness, stress, aging, sports activities, or nutrient deficiencies or excesses. Your "functional type" refers to the way your metabolism is functioning today, or what your dietary needs are at the moment. But a month or six months or a year down the road, your needs could potentially shift, maybe back toward your actual genetic type. Where metabolism is concerned, everything is highly individualized and everything is constantly in flux. That's why testing your metabolic type and fine-tuning your diet are techniques you'll want to employ on an ongoing, intermittent basis. | HOME | |
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